Jawaban PPG Bahasa Inggris Sumatif M1 Profesional - English for Personal Communication

Jawaban PPG Bahasa Inggris Sumatif M1 Profesional – English for Personal Communication

Jawaban PPG Bahasa Inggris Sumatif M1 Profesional – English for Personal Communication

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Jawaban PPG Bahasa Inggris Sumatif M1 Profesional - English for Personal Communication
Jawaban PPG Bahasa Inggris Sumatif M1 Profesional – English for Personal Communication
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Jawaban Sumatif M1 Profesional

English for Personal Communication

Question 1 (1 point)

What is the social function of the text?

To share that the will be closed without any reason
To announce that school is closed due to weather condition
To give information that school is reopen
To share the upcoming school holiday season

Question 2 (1 point)

What information is given?

The schools address the dates of closing and the dates of reopen
The weather condition, the principals message
The date of closing, classes cancellation
The length of closing

Question 3 (1 point)

Who are the target audience for such text?

Students only
The authority of the school
The member of the school including parents

Question 4 (1 point)

Who is in charge to share such information?

Schools authority

Question 5 (1 point)

Why does school need to inform this earlier?

Due to students request

Due to the parents requests

Due to the principals request

Due to the weather forecast


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About shela marsela

Sheli Adalah Penulis utama dari Blog Dapodikbangkalan,Dia juga selain hoby menulis memiliki beberapa hoby lain nya seperti olahraga dan kuliner.