
He told me a lot about the Philippines. He there for a long time.

He told me a lot about the Philippines. He there for a long time.

A. Must have lived
B. Might be living
C. Ought to have lived
D. Should be living

Kunci Jawaban : A. Must have lived

Pembahasan : Dilansir dari Ensiklopedia, He told me a lot about the Philippines. He there for a long time.Must have lived


Pencarian Berdasarkan Kata Kunci

https://www dapodikbangkalan net/4107/he-told-me-a-lot-about-the-philippines-he-there-for-a-long-time html
BACA JUGA :  Tanaman perkebunan seperti teh, kopi, dan cengkeh biasanya ada di daerah

About shela marsela

Sheli Adalah Penulis utama dari Blog Dapodikbangkalan,Dia juga selain hoby menulis memiliki beberapa hoby lain nya seperti olahraga dan kuliner.